OpenFl won't run; fresh install. 8.9.4 with Lime 7.6.2

I literally just installed haxelib 3.4.7 and proceeded to install openfl. Something weird on my system? Not sure how i could have screwed this up otherwise haha! Error at the bottom of the code block below.

Thanks for any guidance

D:\dev\__Haxe>haxelib install openfl
Downloading openfl-8,9,
Download complete : 5098302 bytes in 1.9s (2494.3KB/s)
Installing openfl...
  Current version is now 8.9.4

D:\dev\__Haxe>haxelib run openfl setup
Downloading lime-7,6,
Download complete : 117128705 bytes in 25.6s (4465.3KB/s)
Installing lime...
  Current version is now 7.6.2
lime is up to date
Downloading hxcpp-4,0,
Download complete : 14632520 bytes in 3.1s (4547.9KB/s)
Installing hxcpp...
  Current version is now 4.0.52
Downloading lime-samples-7,0,
Download complete : 8058725 bytes in 5.2s (1502.7KB/s)
Installing lime-samples...
  Current version is now 7.0.0
Downloading openfl-samples-8,7,
Download complete : 7988157 bytes in 4.1s (1864.9KB/s)
Installing openfl-samples...
  Current version is now 8.7.0
Downloading actuate-1,8,
Download complete : 692739 bytes in 1.2s (530.1KB/s)
Installing actuate...
  Current version is now 1.8.9
Downloading box2d-1,2,
Download complete : 264916 bytes in 1.1s (233.9KB/s)
Installing box2d...
  Current version is now 1.2.3
Downloading layout-1,2,
Download complete : 40609 bytes in 0.6s (64.5KB/s)
Installing layout...
  Current version is now 1.2.1

Called from ? line 1
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1884
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 22
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 92
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1085
Called from hxp/Log.hx line 80
Called from hxp/Log.hx line 123
Called from /usr/share/haxe/std/neko/Lib.hx line 42
Uncaught exception - load.c(237) : Failed to load library : D:\dev\__Haxe\haxe\lib\lime\7,6,2//ndll/Windows64/lime.ndll


^ if these slashes starting before ndll were the other way around (and all the others after it) it would probably work? idk.

+1, same issue after running haxelib upgrade.

Tried installing Haxe 4.0.0rc4 afterwards, but that breaks the alivepdf lib among other things, so back to Haxe 3.4.7.

cmd: “C:\Trunk\dev\HaxeToolkit\haxe/haxelib” run lime build “application.xml” android -debug -Dfdb
Called from lime/_internal/backend/native/NativeCFFI.hx line 609
Called from lime/system/CFFI.hx line 172
Called from lime/system/CFFI.hx line 306
Uncaught exception - Could not find NekoAPI interface.
Called from ? line 1
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1884
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 22
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 126
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 630
Called from lime/tools/PlatformTarget.hx line 98
Called from AndroidPlatform.hx line 444
Called from lime/tools/IconHelper.hx line 66
Called from lime/tools/IconHelper.hx line 360
Called from lime/tools/ImageHelper.hx line 117
Called from lime/graphics/Image.hx line 697
Called from lime/graphics/Image.hx line 1627
Called from /usr/share/haxe/std/neko/Lib.hx line 42
Uncaught exception - load.c(237) : Failed to load library : C:\Trunk\dev\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\lime\7,6,2//ndll/Windows64/lime.ndll

I have just experienced exactly the same problem as sLipp, with an identical trace. How can we solve it please? Thanks!

I worked around the issue by installing the non-stable haxe4rc4 from on top of the haxe 3.4.7 installation. (I could not find any recommendations on how to upgrade.)
Then, because Haxe 4 was not working out for me, I installed the stable Haxe 3.4.7 on top of the Haxe 4 installation. And now the error no longer shows up and I can work with the latest haxelibs.

I can’t recommend it, because this might cause other issues, but I have a very tight deadline and things are messed up. – yeah nevermind, after a clean build this no longer works and the build will hang indefinitely.

What is the recommended way to upgrade haxe versions please?

1 Like

Interesting – I’ll have to give that approach a go, but I agree it’s not a workflow i’d want to depend on. Luckily i’m just evaluating the toolkit right now so i don’ t have much riding on it.

It would suck if I did, though!.

You may want to try installing Haxe 4 rc4 in that case. It will at least fix the error you were getting. Openfl and Lime just had new updates which require Haxe 4 instead of Haxe 3.4.7.

1 Like

 .d88 88b.                             888888b 888
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OpenFL Command-Line Tools (8.9.4-LohrnK)
Use openfl setup to configure platforms or openfl help for more commands

^ success with 4.0!

1 Like

Thank you sLipp, it worked for me too!
By the way, I would suggest that OpenFL’s download page gets updated, because yesterday before your post I tried to download the Haxe version linked there and things didn’t work.

OpenFL is meant to be compatible with both Haxe 3.4 and latest Haxe 4. If that’s not the case, there’s a bug.

So maybe there is a bug. This is the trace I got with Haxe 3.4.4 (downloaded from OpenFL web site):

Called from ? line 1
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1884
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 22
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 92
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1085
Called from hxp/Log.hx line 80
Called from hxp/Log.hx line 123
Called from /usr/share/haxe/std/neko/Lib.hx line 42
Uncaught exception - load.c(237) : Failed to load library : C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\lime\7,6,2//ndll/Windows64/lime.ndll

(not sure why the first line of my reply is in bold…)

There is a bug, this was unintentional. The workaround is to copy the 32-bit ndlls to the 64-bit folder. Or upgrade to haxe4rc4.

Thank you sLipp, it worked for me too!

It was all zsoft but glad to hear it!

Oh, right! Many thanks to you ZSoft!