I have tested my game on an intel duo core.
On lime 7.1, it couldn’t open, I had the error
in _pixman_implementation_create_sse2 () from ./lime.dll
But on 7.1.1 you Fixed a regression in older desktop CPU support
Now it opens But still closes a little while atfer.
The error is
Thread 4 "F1H5" received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
[Switching to Thread 0x7ffff0ca4700 (LWP 2237)]
0x00007ffff60d695f in Resample_lerp_SSE2 () from ./lime.ndll
The thing is … in fact it’s on a computer I gave, so I don’t always have it around me. I can use teamviwere to access it, but’s not easy.
But if you say it’s about sound ( quite realistic , as it shuts down when I’m clicking on a button that produces a sound). It may have to do with this function playSound.
Hmm I just rechecked all the methods on https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/IntrinsicsGuide/#
and it seems that there are all supported.
So maybe there’s an error on const int pos0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(pos4, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0))); ?
So I tried to find an equivalent of _mm_extract_epi32(pos4, 0);
Going all the way back to SSE2 you have _mm_extract_epi16 (PEXTRW) which can be used to extract any 16 bit element from a 128 bit vector. You would need to call this twice to get the two halves of a 32 bit element.
Maybe it could help ?
Or if we can’t use mixer_sse2.c mayve we can use mixer_sse.c ?
Sorry I don’t know anything about cpu instructions, just trying to see if there are any “obvious” solutions.
If you’re able, add printf ("1\n");, printf (2\n");, etc to the method, to see where it is actually crashing. I wonder if this is a bug in logic, or if it’s hitting a null value or overflowing the data length somehow. If we have to, we could disable SSE optimizations, but I have a feeling this is going to help our performance, especially on CPU-bound platforms (like mobile)
What do I need to do ? Do I just need to rebuild lime or is it more complex ? (seems more complex)
If it’s overly complex, maybe you could send me the lime.dll.
If you don’t think it would be too much trouble, follow the instructions here, it shouldn’t be too bad to set up:
This would be really helpful, because I don’t think I have a system here I could use to reproduce your crash, and I do want to have support for older systems as much as possible
I think that it would make sense to take the Linux configuration, and make it consistent. We should update the config-android.h file to enable SSE of some form (SSE2? SSE3?) and fix the -msse flag to match, or we should remove the -msse flag entirely and have SSE disabled. Enabling SSE would be good for performance, but I don’t know what should be the cut-off
What do I need to do to have it work on old computers ? Just remove the -mssse4.1 flag ?
I have installed an ubuntu on qemu , emulated the the intel2duo cpu core and it works on it . n But qemu is seems only to be able to hide cpu flags not disable them.
( you have to install qemu system , quemu user doesn’t work for some other reasons)
PS: Do you still need the printfs for the for intel Core Duo ?
Is there a way to activate sse only for cpu thats use sse ? ( Wasn’t it the objective of having of mixer_ss2c, a mixer _sse41c , etc ?)
For the value of sse, I did a grep on lime
and saw
that open al uses -msse4.1
pixman uses -msse3 and -mssse3
sdl uses -msse2
I think that they should use the same.
And maybe we could have lime flag to choose. My program don’t need to be super optimised, just need to be compatible with older computers. But for some persons it could be different.
Or see if it does really make a difference to activate sse ? are they any benchmarks ?
Thanks for your help, I have just revisited the configuration for SDL, Pixman and OpenAL, and should have them consistently using SSSE3 and lower, but not SSE4.
If you’re using Lime dev, do a git pull and git submodule update before rebuilding. I think this should fix support for you
it doesn’t open the program anymore , it just says
could not load module lime @ lime_application_create_prime
On 7.1.1 the program could open, and if you played a sound it said.
Thread 4 "F1H5" received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
[Switching to Thread 0x7ffff0ca4700 (LWP 2237)]
0x00007ffff60d695f in Resample_lerp_SSE2 () from ./lime.ndll
On 7.1.1 with only the openal commit it acts like 7.1.2
it doesn’t open the program anymore , it just says
could not load module lime @ lime_application_create_prime
Does someone on the forum have the same cpu or some other older cpu and could help ?
PS: between 7.1.1 and 7.12 I also had to update openfl. I didn’t try old 7.1.1 with old openfl with new openal.
So maybe it’s not openal anymore but openfl the problem?