I’m experiencing another critical error being caused by Howler during preloading on Internet Explorer. (have updated my lime dependencies/howler.min.js to the latest commit on github)
It occurs attempting to load the PlayingSound example.
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'state' of undefined or null reference
File: howler.min.js, Line: 1, Column: 28547
lime_media_AudioBuffer.fromFiles = function(paths) {
var audioBuffer = new lime_media_AudioBuffer();
audioBuffer.__srcHowl = new Howl({ src : paths, preload : false});
Unable to get property 'state' of undefined or null reference
return audioBuffer;
I’ve updated lime to 5.9.1 and openfl to 6.5.1. FF double playing bug has gone, but IE bug still actual:
Called from .__handleError (Unknown script code line 95532)
Called from .render (Unknown script code line 95435)
Called from .f (Unknown script code line 114489)
Called from .tmp (Unknown script code line 94827)
Called from module at lime_app__$Event_$Void_$Void.prototype.dispatch (Unknown script code:50915:4)
Called from module at lime__$backend_html5_HTML5Application.prototype.handleApplicationEvent (Unknown script code:646:5)
Called from .f (Unknown script code line 114489)
SCRIPT5022: InvalidStateError
Stage.hx (1224,12)
Error occurs when i play one fx sound few times without delay between calls… immediatelly…