well i have been really on the ball on getting to know HAXE/OPENFL, and have been remaking a game i made in UNITY ages ago called FRONG.
the original FRONG is/was a mashup of 2 of my favorite games, PONG and BREAKOUT - with a 4 player twist.
but i have been remaking it completely, and have started to put it up on itch.io for people to play. currently it is just single player PONG against 3 computer character, but all that will change once more updates come.
im going to carry on adding too it and get it to what my original FRONG was like, which was local 4 player battle point scoring, but add in many more things too it.
i will also give out the source code once im finished with it as well. i just want to try and get it done first before handing out the code, maybe even do an iOS build as well
but just also wanted to say thanks for the help that i have received so far. its been lovely, and ive been loving using HAXE/OPENFL and cant wait to carry on adding to FRONG and start remaking my other games and making new ones
hmmm. very strange, because im running chrome also. hmmm
and did double check on itch.io and had played it. very starge
ill have a check, thanks for letting me know
this is just a guess, but maybe it has something to do with the version of chrome, or maybe if anything is used to block ads or something. just a guess, but need to ask
hmm had a quick look. and checked on both safari and chrome and they both work. safari took a few seconds to show, but i think that because it was the first time using the browser since i just use chrome.
ill keep on looking to see what it could be
but it also plays on my pad as well, controls [since its not touch… yet ;)] dont work, but it comes on. so think that it may be a ad blocker or plugin/extension you may have on
thanks for the pointer. i will be making it smaller actually. but thanks also for pointing it out
well. my first version of it was actually with breakout blocks in. so not only do you get points for breaking blocks, you took points off the player if you scored past them. plus it had 4 balls.
but these things will be making it back in. this is a public view of changes really. i guess thats one way i could put it. so you see it from its infant state to a more complete look later on
thanks again. ill be putting in some small changes soon after ive re-made my site
If it helps, you might be interested in the default template, which scales and letterboxes games in order to handle different screen sizes. You could use something similar to adapt to smaller and larger screens, while still keeping a background color that makes the letterboxing invisible