Window build not runing under windows platform

It is very fresh. Haxelib upgrade listed everything is up-to-date.

Hmm ā€¦ Could You try removing haxelib_client? Cut it from the libraries folder into some other place and then try rebuildingā€¦ ?

I used:

openfl build windows -verbose

it failed with these last 2 lines


My application is very simple:

  1. I am using haxeui to display a tabular data with search sort.

  2. I am reading a file using file getcontent and after parsing data, savecontent.

  3. I am also using sqlite.

Does ā€œopenfl build nekoā€ succeed?

Yes, it is working

openfl test neko

Could You check if this example will succeed with ā€œopenfl build windows -Dtoolchain=msvcā€ ?

no same error as 2nd last post

Oops using -Dtoolchain=msvc it is throwing 2 lines


So you were able to successfully compile from Ubuntu to windows but the app is just not working in Windows?

Yes it compiled and exe was built, then I check it to run under windows 7 but it launched and crashed

The OpenGl update after lime 2.6 might have caused this. Not much we can do, until we can trace what to fix on the OpenGl versioning.

Does it require you to use the latest lime? If I not, I think I could help you as I am one of the authors of cross-compilation using mingw in hxcpp.

good to see you here :slight_smile:

haxeui require everything up-to-date therefore I did it, now let me set them to old versions for lime

I have just tried (hello_world):

using lime 2.8.3, 2.8.1


using lime 2.7.0


using lime 2.5.2

Called from ? line 1
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1359
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 25
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 126
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 579
Called from lime/project/PlatformTarget.hx line 70
Called from lime/tools/platforms/WindowsPlatform.hx line 300
Called from lime/tools/helpers/FileHelper.hx line 375
Called from lime/tools/helpers/FileHelper.hx line 358
Called from lime/tools/helpers/FileHelper.hx line 150
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 110
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 366
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/haxe/Template.hx line 376
Uncaught exception - Cannot iter on null

Could it work in 2.6.2?

You are getting a C++ compile error. This is a matter of your Haxe version, HXCPP and rarely, code that wonā€™t go to C++ successfully. It looks like IDisplayObject from Haxe UI is having an issue with type parameters?

Maybe @OP could try to create openfl sample that donā€™t rely on haxeui, like HerokuShaders and try to build it. It may narrow the possible error causes

I have downloaded lime 2.6.2 and tried building, it output these 2 lines:


I am looking into why he is getting ā€œMingw root not foundā€, the error message should only appear when ā€œmingwā€ is explicitly indicated.

Where binaries created?

no binaries build, using lime 2.6.2. Final lines are
