Most of time I use Actuate, it stable, fast, with simple API.
But it is pain to make complex animation sequence:
public static function shake(view:View):Void {
Actuate.tween(view, 0.05, { offsetX: -5 }).ease(Linear.easeNone);
Actuate.tween(view, 0.05, { offsetX: 5 }, false).ease(Linear.easeNone).delay(0.05);
Actuate.tween(view, 0.05, { offsetX: -5 }, false).ease(Linear.easeNone).delay(0.1);
Actuate.tween(view, 0.05, { offsetX: 5 }, false).ease(Linear.easeNone).delay(0.15);
Actuate.tween(view, 0.05, { offsetX: 0 }, false).ease(Linear.easeNone).delay(0.2);
Also there is bug with stopping custom functions, I send PR, but @singmajesty didn’t accept it for some reason.
I also use Delta for one of my project. It is easy to make serial sequences with Delta.
But certain things prevent me use this library:
- Serial sequences are easy, but parallel sequences is not so easy, and hard to mix serial and parallel together (code start looks like code for actuate).
- Expo easing is broken. I send PR, but their didn’t accept it for some reason. So next thing is:
- I don’t understand current state of that lib. Is it forgotten (because PR aren’t reviewed) or alive (because there is some new commits to develop branch) or it will be merged into luxeengine (as sven mentioned somewhere) or … I really don’t know.
The last thing I tried was TweenX. Most promising API, easy to do almost all I need.
But code is too much optimized for flash and standard DisplayObject, so it just doesn’t work for my UI lib. I try to fix it, but it will be more easy to rewrite it from scratch rather than trying to fix it.
I thinking about creating new tween library, with clean code and rich api (based on TweenX ideas), but maybe such library already exists and I just don’t know about it?