I have an application working on Chrome and Firefox that plays a video.
But in IE, the video doesn’t play and this is the error I get:
INVALID_OPERATION: useProgram : objet WebGL associé avec un autre WebGLRenderingContext
WEBGL11079: INVALID_OPERATION: uniform1i : objet WebGL associé avec un autre WebGLRenderingContext
WEBGL11079: INVALID_OPERATION: bindTexture : objet WebGL associé avec un autre WebGLRenderingContext
WEBGL11047: INVALID_OPERATION: texParameteri : une texture doit être liée
WEBGL11079: INVALID_OPERATION: uniformMatrix4fv : objet WebGL associé avec un autre WebGLRenderingContext
I’ve check again my code and I made some improvement based on the PlayingVideo sample (now I attach the NetStream after getting the metadata).
It’s better (less error) but it’s still not working. (I’ve got the same errors on the PlayingVideo sample):
WEBGL11072: INVALID_VALUE: texImage2D: This texture source is not supported
WEBGL11098: drawArrays: The texture is a non-power-of-two texture or not mipmap complete
I’ve read somewhere that non-power-of-two texture are not supported on WebGL < 2.0. And I think IE11 doesn’t support WebGL 2.0…So what can we do?