Video on IE webgl error


I have an application working on Chrome and Firefox that plays a video.
But in IE, the video doesn’t play and this is the error I get:

INVALID_OPERATION: useProgram : objet WebGL associé avec un autre WebGLRenderingContext
WEBGL11079: INVALID_OPERATION: uniform1i : objet WebGL associé avec un autre WebGLRenderingContext    
WEBGL11079: INVALID_OPERATION: bindTexture : objet WebGL associé avec un autre WebGLRenderingContext
WEBGL11047: INVALID_OPERATION: texParameteri : une texture doit être liée
WEBGL11079: INVALID_OPERATION: uniformMatrix4fv : objet WebGL associé avec un autre WebGLRenderingContext

What can be the problem?

Hmm, interesting, so it says another WebGL context is using it already. Is there anything else that could be using it?

Perhaps IE doesn’t support using a video element for upload as a GL texture?

I use standard displayList. My assets come from a swf. I have some glow filters in some Sprites. And I think that’s it.

Temporary workaround is to force Canvas rendering. This bug is only on WebGL/IE11.

I’ve check again my code and I made some improvement based on the PlayingVideo sample (now I attach the NetStream after getting the metadata).

It’s better (less error) but it’s still not working. (I’ve got the same errors on the PlayingVideo sample):

WEBGL11072: INVALID_VALUE: texImage2D: This texture source is not supported
WEBGL11098: drawArrays: The texture is a non-power-of-two texture or not mipmap complete

I’ve read somewhere that non-power-of-two texture are not supported on WebGL < 2.0. And I think IE11 doesn’t support WebGL 2.0…So what can we do?

If I force the size of the video like that in IE11:

video.width = 720;
video.height = 720;

I have a black screen but no errors.

Could the solution be to upload in Canvas first?