Hey there, I haven’t been active in quite a while. Before my timeout in OpenFL/Lime dev, my project was running in
- lime [2.9.1]
- openfl [3.6.1]
I’ve just upgraded to
- lime [3.7.4]
- openfl [4.8.1]
(Please ask for other haxelib versions if necessary)
In the earlier version there was this super convenient “ScreenMode” class, that allowed me to run the game in a borderless fulscreen.
Like this:
var mode : ScreenMode;
mode = new flash.system.ScreenMode();
mode.width = 1280;
mode.height = 720;
mode.refreshRate = 60;
mode.format = flash.system.PixelFormat.BGRA8888;
After the update, I realize that this ScreenMode funtion is gone, but can’t find any documentation on it.
Is there anything that replaces this functionality in newer versions?
And if there’s a way to look those kinds of updates up, please let me know so I don’t have to pester the forum for these kinds of questions in the future.