Using Admob in an OpenFL project

Hi there,

I’m trying to get Admob integrated in an empty OpenFL project. I’m using extension-admob but I’m getting an error when building the project for Android:

[aapt] C:\Development\Projects\AdmobTest\Export\android\bin\deps\google-play-services_lib\res\values-v21\appinvite_styles.xml:5: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name ‘@android:style/Theme.Material.Light.DialogWhenLarge.NoActionBar’.

C:\Development\Android SDK\tools\ant\build.xml:597: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
C:\Development\Android SDK\tools\ant\build.xml:649: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
C:\Development\Android SDK\tools\ant\build.xml:694: null returned: 1

Total time: 3 seconds

I have filed an issue at the corresponding GitHub page here. But the developer wasn’t very active on the project in a while.

Had the same issue and have a solution? Let me know!

Thanks in advance.

Apparently when adding <android target-sdk-version="23" if="android" /> to the project.xml it’s all magically fixed.