Using a png to mask a shape

Hi, I would like to use a png to mask out over a background shape as illustrated in the image below.

so far I have tried the below where _mask is the loaded image:

// file.type == FileType.IMAGE

var _mask:Bitmap = new Bitmap(;

_shape = new Sprite();, 1);, 0, _mask.width, _mask.height);
_shape.cacheAsBitmap = true;

_shape.mask = _mask;

At the moment the mask includes the transparent pixels so I just get a blue square.

I could get it working only on flash target (I’m using openfl 4, there was massive bitmap refactor between 3 and 4, maybe it works on 3):

var _mask:Bitmap = new Bitmap(;
_mask.cacheAsBitmap = true;

_shape = new Sprite();, 1);, 0, _mask.width, _mask.height);
_shape.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_shape.mask = _mask;


This is on the TODO list, it requires a custom shader to support

Thanks, so is there a way for me to ignore transparent pixels in a png for mouseEvents which is the problem I was trying to solve here? This is for a HTML5 target.

Thanks, I am going to use bitmapData.getPixel32(x,y) which will solved this problem very nicely. If the value returned is 0 then I know that the pixel is transparent and do nothing.

Personally, I’d suggest copyChannel():

var maskData:BitmapData =;
var _mask:Bitmap = new Bitmap(maskData);

var shapeData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(maskData.width, maskData.height, true, 0xFF0000FF);
var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, maskData.width, maskData.height);
shapeData.copyChannel(maskData, rect, new Point(), BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);

_shape = new Bitmap(shapeData);

Thanks, is there a reason that you would prefer to use copyChannel();

I think we have hit testing for transparent pixels supported already in the core of OpenFL, but perhaps not for masks, yet

It copies everything at once, and it only touches the channel you care about, which ought to make it faster. But if your implementation is already fast enough, then I guess you don’t have to worry about it.

I am not using trying to use a mask anymore. I am using getColorBoundsRect() and cropping the bitmapData to the area that contains no transparent pixels. Then I am using transform.colorTransform to change the color.

It is working but I have not tested the speed yet. A faster solution is always welcome. I will take a look at copyChannel(), thanks for the input.

Updating to openFL 4.0.3 and lime 3.0.3 stops the colorTransform working. copyPixels() and copyChannel() do not work has something changed?

We do not have colorTransform support across the board – I’m hoping (?) there’s some fast way to do color transformation when blitting with Cairo and Canvas, but to my knowledge, there is one. We need a strategy for how we will handle that.

In the meantime, bitmapData.colorTransform should work fine, so if you have a bitmap already, or bitmapData.draw to one, you should be able to accomplish what you need