TypeError: cl is not a constructor

I converted my code to Haxe using as3hx tool.
I am getting this error
Error Message:
TypeError: cl is not a constructor
at Function.Type.createInstance (DocumentClass.js:5297)
Actual code:

import com.freeactionscript.weaponsystem.weapons.LaserSingle;
class Main extends MovieClip
 public function new()
               singleTurret = new ProjectileSingle("gun 1", _weaponManager, 100, 275, 90);  
class ProjectileSingle extends AbstractWeapon
    public function new(id : String, manager : WeaponManager, x : Float, y : Float, rotation : Float)
        super(id, manager, x, y, rotation);

Help me what is going wrong

Please paste the code after conversion

it’s caused by code in attachSkin, I can’t help much more right now but try debugging class paths there