TilBuci, a free interactive content creator with OpenFL

Hi, everyone! I’d like to share with you a project I’ve been working for some time. It’s called “TilBuci” and it is a suite to create interactive content like narrative games, digital books and so on. Here is a “teaser” video:

The project is open source - the repository can be found here: GitHub - TilBuci/TilBuci

You can check a very simple creating made with TilBuci here: TilBuci

Oh, Buci is the name of my dog :wink:


It works in a way very similar to the CMS systems like Wordpress, with user management and roles. Runs from a web browser, of course.

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Looks great! Is it made with Feathers UI?

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Yeap, heavy use of Feathers UI :wink:
I can create an user on my testing installaton for you to check it out withutout the need to install it by yourself if you’d like to.

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Good job! This goes way beyond what I started with Glory Framework but clearly has a similar use case for presentation-style offerings. I hope you attract a good user base!


Thank you a lot! If you’re interested, just send a message so I can provide a testing access.

Hi, everyone!
I created a video playlist with the basics about using the software here:

The scripting actions manual the videos talk about can be found here:


Hi, everyone. Another update on TilBuci. This video shows how to use a move created using the graphic interface on your OpenFL projects. I know this method if [very] far from ideal, but at the moment, since we still don’t have a TilBuci library, I believe that’s how to do it.