TextField problem with Internet explorer 11

Hi folks, I am new in OpenFl and playing with Textfield, with FireFox and Chrome it works but in Internet Explorer 11 stacks on prelaoder

var txt:TextField = new TextField();
txt.embedFonts = true;
txt.text = 'some text';
txt.defaultTextFormat = txt_FORMAT;


<assets path="assets/fonts" rename="fonts" />

IE Consol

DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=291337
File: localhost:2000
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
File: localhost:2000
[lime.Assets] There is no asset library named ""
WEBGL11135: getContext: Context attribute depth:false is not currently supported
File: SocketHtml5.js, Line: 8700, Column: 3

any workaround?

It seems that you didn’t get an asset correctly (your font?).

this is my simple code
followed this example: http://haxecoder.com/post.php?id=69


import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.events.MouseEvent;
import openfl.text.TextField;
import openfl.text.TextFormat;
import openfl.text.TextFormatAlign;

class Main extends Sprite {

	public static var txt_FORMAT:TextFormat = new TextFormat(Assets.getFont("fonts/BPG_Arial_Caps.otf").fontName,
 	20, 0xffffff, null, null, null, null, null, TextFormatAlign.CENTER);
	public function new() {
		var txt:TextField = new TextField();
		txt.embedFonts = true;
		txt.text = 'some text';
		txt.defaultTextFormat = txt_FORMAT;


this is project.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<!-- NMML reference: https://gist.github.com/1763850 -->
	<!-- metadata, make sure 'package' is at least 3 segments (ie. com.mycompany.myproject) -->
	<meta title="SocketHtml5" package="SocketHtml5" version="1.0.0" company="" />
	<!-- output -->
	<app main="Main" file="SocketHtml5" path="bin" />
	<window background="#000000" fps="60" />
	<window width="800" height="480" unless="mobile" />
	<window orientation="landscape" vsync="false" antialiasing="0" if="cpp" />
	<!-- classpath, haxe libs -->
	<source path="src" />
	<haxelib name="openfl" />
	<haxelib name="actuate" />
	<haxelib name="swf" />
	<!-- assets -->
	<icon path="assets/openfl.svg" />
	<assets path="assets/img" rename="img" />
	<assets path="assets/fonts" rename="fonts" />
	<library path="swfto/assetSwf.swf" preload="true" generate="true" />
	<!-- optimize output
	<haxeflag name="-dce full" /> -->

what I am missing?

P.S. it works in Google Chrome. FireFox, Opera.

Are you using .eot font for IE?

yes, tried .eot too but no luck :confused:

Have you tried any OpenFL samples?

openfl create DisplayingABitmap
cd DisplayingABitmap
openfl test html5

@singmajesty yes, I tested swf assets and others bitmap assets as well it works in all browsers.

Are you sure that the .eot file is in your exported assets?
Can you test with Assets.getFont("fonts/BPG_Arial_Caps.ttf").fontName or Assets.getFont("fonts/BPG_Arial_Caps.eot").fontName?

yes tried both.
this is Edge consol:

DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=291337
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
[lime.Assets] There is no asset library named ""
BunnyMark.js (2179,32)
WEBGL11258: Temporarily switching to software rendering to display WebGL content.
SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x5, Access is denied.

SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x5, Access is denied.

SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x5, Access is denied.

does IE/Edge blocks content/JS from localhost?

Is this Lime’s local web server (using openfl test html5) or are you opening the HTML page directly?

The “there is no asset library” message seems like a red flag, I believe that was fixed in the last release, unless it’s caused by something else

@singmajesty before testing upgraded all libs

haxelib upgrade