I’ve noticed an issue that occurs with an openfl.textfield when selecting text. It no longer highlights the text, and instead just crashes the whole application. This only started happening after I updated openfl to 8.9.5 (from 8.9.0), so I do not think it is my own code. Reverting to 8.9.0 results in the bug disappearing, so it is probably the result of a change made between 8.9.0 and 8.9.5.
Changing _textField.selectable to false prevents the crash, but also prevents being able to select the text in the first place.
Here’s the code I use to make the textfield below. Hopefully this provides some more information.
_textField = new TextField();
_textField.embedFonts = true;
_textField.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(font, Std.int(Settings.gameTextSize));
_textField.x = 0;
_textField.y = 24 * oflScaleY;
_textField.width = 640 * oflScaleY;
_textField.height = 326 * oflScaleY;
_textField.textColor = _textFieldColour;
_textField.htmlText = InputData._mainText;
_textField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
_textField.multiline = false;
_textField.wordWrap = true;
_textField.border = false;
_textField.borderColor = FlxColor.WHITE;
_textField.backgroundColor = FlxColor.BLACK;
_textField.selectable = true;
_textField.scrollV = _textField.text.length;
_textField.mouseWheelEnabled = true;
Hope this helps!