Swf library export path in HTML5?

My app will be served using Ruby On Rails server, which uses assets folder as a base to locate all assets available.

The question is, can I customize the path of where the swf files are extracted? currently, they are extracted into bin folder as bin/lib/{swf_library_file_name} , is it possible to make it as bin/assets/lib/{swf_library_file_name} ?

This is not possible right now… additional JS files will also be saved outside of the “assets” directory

Does RoR support multiple asset paths? Is this the “Asset Pipeline” feature? Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you, I have managed to solve this by redirecting, RoR does support only one base path, starting with assets, as far I know.

Here is what I did to solve this in ruby:

get '/lib/library/:name.:ext', :to => redirect('/assets/html5/release/bin/lib/library/%{name}.%{ext}')