I have a code which works fine for android. However, when I do Make Project for iOS using intellij I get following error -
Error:Type not found : Content
Error:Compilation failed
I am using a swf and loading the content of it using the following -
<source path="src" />
<haxelib name="openfl" />
<haxelib name="swf" />
<haxelib name="actuate" />
<!-- assets -->
<icon path="assets/openfl.svg" />
<assets path="assets/img" rename="img" />
<assets path="assets/" include="*.swf" />
<library path="assets/background.swf" id="background" preload="true" generate="true" type="swf" />
and I use the assets of swf in code with
background = new Content();
addChild (background);
This code works fine for android. Also for iOS in intellij I have added openfl, lime and swf as libraries in Project Structure>Libraries section.
With terminal command - openfl build ios
too it’s giving the same error
characters 15-28 : Type not found : Content
Do I have to install any more sdks or libs so that a class for content of swf file gets generated? I have following tools/libs along with haxe -
lime, hxcpp, openfl, actuate, swf and layout.