Support for combination of heaps and openfl

Hi, everyone, I see that the heaps have openfl macros, but when I use lime to compile, the following error will occur:

/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/impl/TypedArray.hx:5: characters 24-44 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of js.lib.Float32Array
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/impl/TypedArray.hx:6: characters 23-42 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of js.lib.Uint16Array
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/impl/TypedArray.hx:7: characters 22-40 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of js.lib.Uint8Array
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/impl/TypedArray.hx:8: characters 23-42 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of js.lib.ArrayBuffer
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/impl/TypedArray.hx:9: characters 23-42 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of js.lib.Uint32Array
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/impl/TypedArray.hx:10: characters 27-50 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of js.lib.ArrayBufferView
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/System.js.hx:80: characters 33-56 : flash.display.BitmapData has no field canvas
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/h3d/impl/GlDriver.hx:1038: characters 92-108 : flash.display.BitmapData has no field getImageData
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/BitmapData.hx:524: characters 7-16 : Unknown identifier : lockImage
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/BitmapData.hx:536: characters 7-16 : Unknown identifier : lockImage
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/BitmapData.hx:659: characters 13-16 : Unknown identifier : ctx
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/BitmapData.hx:662: characters 3-6 : Unknown identifier : ctx
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/fs/BytesFileSystem.hx:72: characters 60-63 : js.html.Image should be hxd.fs.LoadedBitmapData
/Users/grtf/haxelib/heaps/1,6,1/hxd/fs/BytesFileSystem.hx:72: characters 60-63 : For function argument 'data'

The Lime support in Heaps seems to be unmaintained and thus incomaptible with recent Lime versions. See also:

Oh, this is not a good news, thank you.

I think this is the closest branch to working:

Would be great if we sorted this out

I tried this source, but it didn’t work.

I tried this source, but it didn’t work. I need more work to use. Currently I have changed the scheme to Away3D, but I can’t find a way to play Dae animation.

Hi. Did you solve the issue with playing DAE animations?

No, they recommend playing animations in md5 and md2 formats.

I see. What do you think, is it possible to create something like ragdoll together with some physics engine? I am not sure, because MD5 doesn’t contain bones.
However, there is cool old flash demo with ragdoll:

Not sure, how they did it

Emmm, I am still learning about 3D, I have no good idea about this.

Do you now, where I get get MD5 plugins for popular 3D editors:

  1. 3D max
  2. Maya
  3. Blender

I have obtained the Blender version plugin here.

I think I used to use Collada (and a Collada exporter for Maya) when I used Away3D for a large project

Hi, I’ve managed to contact Away3D FBX parser creator and that was his reply:

Just see your email some reason it was in the spam folder, current state of this is it only load geometry data and only supports version 7400.
This is no longer being worked on myself and not sure why away3d forums wont let you download it, but have now uploaded it to github and is provided “AS-IS”
Real Loft


It would be cool if someone with experience in such stuff could port it to Haxe and complete it