I’ve ported a showroom app 90% to cpp. amazing!!!
When I am using the Assets Class I can load every content element. But when using the Urloader I have some problems.
inside the Event.COMPLETE listener I have this:
var byteArray : ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var loader:URLLoader = cast (e.currentTarget) ;
byteArray = loader.data;
texture_stx = Texture.fromAtfData(byteArray, 1, false);
ok, I can check the size, fine, but I can’t see the texture
and I have this output on the cli:
[openfl._internal.formats.atf.ATFReader] WARNING: Only ATF block compressed textures without JPEG-XR+LZMA are supported
png to ATF is done with: png2atf.exe -c d -r -q 0 -f 0 -i texture.png -o texture.atf
by the way bitmap works:
byteArray = loader.data;
var bmp = new Bitmap(BitmapData.fromBytes(byteArray)); texture_stx = Texture.fromBitmap(bmp, true, false, 1, "bgra", false, null);
when using the Assetmanager I miss the usemipmap property. How can I activate this feature?
The “Only ATF block compressed textures without JPEG-XR+LZMA are supported” message is because we do not have JPEG-XR support on native, and it is not supported by browsers.
I’m not familiar with the png2atf.exe
command arguments, but I believe there is a way to encode differently.
appears to have the useMipmaps
property in the constructor. Is that what you are looking for?
thanks, I got it work with some other settings.
with the new assets.Assetsmanager the mipMapping is activated with. textureOptions.mipMapping = true;
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