I using the Mac OS version of Chrome and when I set the stage.color to something like blue (0x0000ff), the stage is always black. When I run this page on Firefox, the stage is blue. I’ve also been setting starling.nativeStage.color to red (0xff0000) and when I zoom out in both browsers I get the red native stage visible around the viewport.
I managed to get it working with your code, but my code uses Starling. So I created a Starling example based on your code. The code below works with Firefox but not Chrome.
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import starling.core.Starling;
class Startup extends Sprite {
private var starling : Starling;
public function new () {
super ();
starling = new Starling (StageColorTest, stage);
starling.start ();