Sprite.graphics not displaying in html5 target on safari & chrome

I’m using graphics.lineStyle and graphics.lineTo methods just to check I’ll be able to do some drawing but it doesn’t work when I target html. neko, android, and mac all work.

Any ideas?

EDIT: will I have to use Bitmap drawing? does bit-five offer this?

Do fills work properly? Is it only lines that are not appearing?

It seems the html target does not have an implicit moveTo(0,0)
Perhaps that should be added. (:

When I was calling lineTo the neko version would start from (0,0) if I didn’t moveTo another location first. The html performs as if the first lineTo was a moveTo.

Would you mind sharing a little bit of sample code that illustrates the difference? How does the Flash target behave?

Flash always starts drawing from (0,0) if you don’t call moveTo at the start.

Obviously this a totally pedantic request, because you don’t often start drawing from (0,0) without calling moveTo. It’s just inconsistent.


lineStyle( 1 , 1 );
beginFill( 0xffff00ff , 1.0 );
moveTo( 0 , 0 );
lineTo( 300 , 500 );
lineTo( 200 , 0 );

…would draw a triangle on all platforms.


lineStyle( 1 , 1 );
beginFill( 0xffff00ff , 1.0 );
lineTo( 300 , 500 );
lineTo( 200 , 0 );

…would draw a line on html5 and a triangle on other platforms because they implicitly start drawing from (0,0). Lime seems to treat that first lineTo as a moveTo on the html target.

Totally pedantic, but they’re different.

html <==> neko

Oh, CanvasRenderingContext2D behaves differently. Perhaps if it was going to be made consistent, openfl would be the place to do it. It’d just need a moveTo(0,0) in a #if html macro in Graphics.clear() and new() I imagine.

In the openfl.display.Graphics documentation it states:

If you call lineTo() before any calls to the moveTo() method, the default position for the current drawing is (0, 0).