I’m using graphics.lineStyle and graphics.lineTo methods just to check I’ll be able to do some drawing but it doesn’t work when I target html. neko, android, and mac all work.
Any ideas?
EDIT: will I have to use Bitmap drawing? does bit-five offer this?
It seems the html target does not have an implicit moveTo(0,0)
Perhaps that should be added. (:
When I was calling lineTo the neko version would start from (0,0) if I didn’t moveTo another location first. The html performs as if the first lineTo was a moveTo.
…would draw a line on html5 and a triangle on other platforms because they implicitly start drawing from (0,0). Lime seems to treat that first lineTo as a moveTo on the html target.
Totally pedantic, but they’re different.
html <==> neko
Oh, CanvasRenderingContext2D behaves differently. Perhaps if it was going to be made consistent, openfl would be the place to do it. It’d just need a moveTo(0,0) in a #if html macro in Graphics.clear() and new() I imagine.