doing a little demo from the Elm examples in OpenFL I found a bug, and I wonder if it is on my code or in the platform.
What I tried to do: I had to print the arrow status in the screen depending on what the user press, with the same formatting as a vector in physics {x:1, y:0}
The problem is that when I press up+right or other key combinations, for some reason I get one value saved permanently, and never removed when the key is released (as it should). I wonder if the problem is on my side and I should implement using an atomic block where the variables are modified.
The code is a bit messy, sorry, I went straight to the OOP way and that was the first idea that came into my mind about how to implement the equivalent elm example.
import openfl.events.KeyboardEvent;
import openfl.text.TextField;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
class Main extends Sprite {
private var keys_horitzonal:Int = 0;
private var keys_vertical:Int = 0;
private var tf:TextField;
public function new () {
tf = new TextField();
tf.width = 500;
update_signal(); // init
stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, key_handle);
stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, key_handle);
private function update_signal() tf.text = Std.string('{ x = ${keys_horitzonal}, y = ${ keys_vertical } }');
private function key_handle(key:KeyboardEvent) {
// f is the function modifier determines whether press or release (add or substract)
var f = switch(key.type) {
case KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN: function(old ,new_status){ trace("down");return new_status; }; // The event is repeated on long press. Assign only.
case KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP: function(old, new_status){ trace("up");return old - new_status; }; // Release is sent only once.
default: return; // any other KeyBoard event doesn't need to be processed here
// on press left negative, right possitive
keys_horitzonal = f(keys_horitzonal,if (key.keyCode == 37) - 1 else if (key.keyCode == 39) 1 else 0);
// on press up negative, right possitive
keys_vertical = f(keys_vertical, if (key.keyCode == 38) 1 else if (key.keyCode == 40) - 1 else 0);
/* I am not really satisfied with this code, long pressing repeats the event and in addition the variable is
not thread safe because the keys_* variables aren't atoms.