[SOLVED]How to set fontName like flash

var txt = new TextField();
txt.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormart(“Arial”);

It’s not work on CPP target.But it’s ok on flash.
Is there a way to set font by fontName,not embedding.
Sorry for my English.

Does “_sans” work as the font name?

It’s working on flash target only.Is there anything I did wrong?

Would you mind trying the following commands, and see if they work?

openfl create AddingText
cd AddingText
openfl test neko

If it does, try changing the font name to “_sans” and see if it still works. If it does not work, check if you’re using a recent version of Lime/OpenFL :slight_smile:

Thanks for your replying. It does not work.Does success to change font must package the font files?Flash target does not need.I need to change font name on cpp target without packing font files.Does cpp taregt can not read font from systerm?

Currently, you need to bundle the font, or you need to use the font file name (like “COOPERBLACKSTD.OTF”) for it to find it on the system, but I would not expect this font to be available on most user systems, so I think you should probably plan on bundling the font

Yes!Yes! I need use the font name like(“COOPERBLACKSTD.OTF”).
My english is poor.In a word,thank you very very very… much.