Slow performance when having multiple sprites on the screen in Android


In my current project I need to have multiple sprites on the screen at the same time, some of them changing their coordinates each frame. If the number of the sprites on the screen gets bigger than 6, the app gets slower and slower, just like a lag effect.

The sprites that are on the screen are all like this:

package objects;

import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.text.TextField;
import openfl.text.TextFormat;
import openfl.text.TextFormatAlign;

import utils.ColorManager;

class Square extends Sprite {
public var square: Sprite;
public var number: TextField;

public function new(size: Float, value: String) {

    initNumber(size, value);

    private function initSquare(size: Float): Void {
        square = new Sprite();;, 0, size, size);;


    private function initNumber(size: Float, value: String): Void {
        var format: TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        format.font = "fonts/Verano.ttf";
        format.size = - 5);
        format.color = ColorManager.BACKGROUND_COLOR;
        format.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;

        number = new TextField();
        number.text = value;
        number.defaultTextFormat = format;
        number.selectable = false;
        number.width = number.textWidth + 4;
        number.height = number.textHeight + 4;
        number.x = size / 2 - number.width / 2;
        number.y = size / 2 - number.height * 2 / 5;



And this is the function I call to create two new Sprites:

private function createNewSquaresPair(): Void {
        var leftSquareValue: String, rightSquareValue: String;
        var randomNumber: Float = Math.random();
        if (randomNumber < 0.500) {
            leftSquareValue = "0";
            rightSquareValue = "1";
        } else {
            leftSquareValue = "1";
            rightSquareValue = "0";

        leftAisle.push(new Square(Lib.current.stage.stageWidth / 12, leftSquareValue));
        leftAisle[leftAisle.length - 1].x = leftSquare.x + leftSquare.width / 2 - leftAisle[leftAisle.length - 1].width / 2;
        leftAisle[leftAisle.length - 1].y = - leftAisle[leftAisle.length - 1].height;

        addChild(leftAisle[leftAisle.length - 1]);

        rightAisle.push(new Square(Lib.current.stage.stageWidth / 12, rightSquareValue));
        rightAisle[rightAisle.length - 1].x = rightSquare.x + rightSquare.width / 2 - rightAisle[rightAisle.length - 1].width / 2;
        rightAisle[rightAisle.length - 1].y = - rightAisle[rightAisle.length - 1].height;

        addChild(rightAisle[rightAisle.length - 1]);

Every frame I move the sprites:

private function onEnterFrame(event: Event): Void {
        for (index in 0...leftAisle.length) {
            leftAisle[index].y += 3;
            rightAisle[index].y += 3;

        if (leftAisle[leftAisle.length - 1].y >= 200 && rightAisle[rightAisle.length - 1].y >= 200) {

I’ve done this before and everything worked fine.
Thank you!

Clearly there is something wrong here, have you tried Actuate library for animation? I found this tweening library with a very impressive performance and cross-platform portability.

By the way, there is a performance test of OpenFl/Haxe that was published here in the forum, he got to animate 1,000,000 images and everything went well, mine was 500k at ~55fps.

Animate 1,000,000 images at good fps

That was using Lime, OpenFL doesn’t get as many, but certainly more than six. Do you experience performance issues on a different platform?

If I run the app in Neko on Windows everything works fine.

Using “drawCircle” instead of “drawRect” somehow works better but the ‘lag’ effect is still there.

Have you tried addChild (new openfl.display.FPS ()) to tell if the lag effect is connected with a drop in frame rate?