Hello everyone,
I continue to improve Skeletoraxe and for this one I use a méthod like BLIT (similar ).
With the old method used with Skeletoraxe I created a Sprite for each bitmap and now I would like all BitmapsData from de same animation are designed on only one Sprite. So I use “beginBitmapFill” and I get improved performance on old computers( from 20 fps to 30 fps ).
I have only a BitmapData and a Matrix (ex : bitmap.transform.matrix = myMatrix).
Below you can see how I do in my code but I still have a lot of repositioning and cutting problems:
mySprite.graphics.beginBitmapFill (myBitmapData, myMatrix, false, true);
mySprite.graphics.drawRect (myMatrix.tx, myMatrix.ty, myBitmapData.width * myMatrix.a, myBitmapData.height myMatrix.d );*
Do you have a real way to apply the Matrix to my BitmapData using beginBitmapFill?