[Showcase] TileCraft - 2.5D Modeling tool

hey guys,
I’ve been working on an exciting project lately.

One year ago lostgarden was talking about making an interesting art tool for games.
That was prototyped by angryoctopus in a java app called LGModeler

I’ve found out about that some time ago and I loved the idea.
So I’ve decided to convert the java project in an haxe app and reinvent it (new tools), fix it (some rendering problems) and improve it (who knows where this will go).

Since the ludum dare is close, I’ve tried to speed up as fast as possible.
The code is quite ugly in some parts, and the path from this alpha release to a stable 1.0.0 it is still long.

But the app works and it is fun to use.

Here is how it looks like. Git project

It is quite easy to use and it saves to PNG file (the picture and the model data in the same file!).
Also it can export and import Base64 string to share models around.

Hope it can be interesting for other people. I will try to use it in this ludum dare.

Here is a quick guide to learn how to use the tool.

And now it is time to download it and try it:


Compile by yourself

If you get any problem or you want to try the very last nightly build, you can follow the instruction here

Now, that’s it. Let me know if you get any problem and if you like the project.

NOTE there are some issues with native open/save dialogs, so in Mac and Linux the process can be a little bit annoying. I hope I could fix this as soon as possible.
Here is a topic where I am talking about this.


As I told you before, TC is awesome! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was using lgmodeler for some ideas, but the rendered output on TC bought me. I love how the exported output looks.

Will keep using and testing for sure!

Nice Work on this. :smile:


Today I have some spare time so I am playing around with TC.

These are some experiments:
(you can download the PNG and import it in TileCraft)

Nice nice! :smile: Walker and mech look really good :blush:

Tried loading those here but I think the community software might have tampered with the images. It returns a file error. :pensive:

oh yeah, the importer from the community stripped the chunk from the PNGs

these are the links

the rest is on github

PS: ready for ludum dare!!!
maybe I will start late, but I am definitely in! :wink:

Thanks! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Will check Github and update my local copy of source.

Almost ready for LD, gotta get some caffeine/food and, most importantly, clean-my-table! :sweat_smile:

Good luck with LD! :video_game:

It’s a really nice tool! And the examples look great :slight_smile:
Though it’s a bit hard to move objects around.