[Showcase] Halloween Stories: Mahjong

Hi guys!

Now my new game - Halloween Stories: Mahjong - is released. And this is the my first game developed using OpenFL! :smile:

Only desktop versions are meanwhile ready, here they are:

[PC version][1]
[Mac version][2]

Briefly, the game uses [HaxeFlixel][3] (and thus, legacy version of OpenFL). For localization it uses the [FireTongue][4], and of course the game couldn’t be realized without [CrashDumper][5] (Oh, these unpredictable crushes! :))

Before, I was very worried about the inability to start game on older machines, but it seems it was not too critical for launching.

So I will be glad to your feedback, and will try to answer questions if you will have them.
[1]: http://www.bigfishgames.com/games/14070/halloween-stories-mahjong/?pc
[2]: http://www.bigfishgames.com/games/14070/halloween-stories-mahjong/?mac
[3]: http://haxeflixel.com
[4]: https://github.com/larsiusprime/firetongue
[5]: https://github.com/larsiusprime/crashdumper


I wanted to try it, to see the results of a professional game with OpenFL… but it requires me to install permanently something from big fish in the system. It looks nice the screenshot however.