I can’t find out what the hell is going on with shareobjects and arryas. here a small example that shows the problem
var so = SharedObject.getLocal("savedData");
[initialize so.data.characters if its empty]
var chars:Array<String> = so.data.characters;
chars[0] = "joe";
if (chars[0] != so.data.characters[0])
throw new Error(chars[0] + " " + so.data.characters[0]);
the code is throwing the error when the data is loaded from the file on windows when in fact they should be pointing to the same value. I can only safly modify the values on the array if I use so.data.characters in all places. chars variable is behaving like a copy and not a ref of the actual array. Now the strange part is that if the array is created because you are runing it for the first time it works as expected.