Set initial time in Actuate

I’d like to know if it is possible to set a starting time for a tween, i.e.: I want to move a rectangle from A to B in 2 seconds, but when I instance the rectangle and the tween I know the rectangle should have been instanced a few milliseconds before (between the current frame and the previous one), let’s say 0.2 seconds… so I should start the tween at 0.2 seconds instead of 0 to compensate the delay.
Is this possible?


Is it what you are looking for?

No, I want to go into the tween by 0.2 seconds, not waiting to start it.

i.e.: I have a tween that takes 2 seconds to complete: I want to start it at 0.2 seconds, and see 1.8 seconds

If i undestand well, you instanciate your rectangle at A’ not A for compensate the delay. You know it miss 0.2sec and the start point is not A but A’

Then you can directly set the duration of 1.8 instead of 2.

But he needs to apply the changes in his MovieClip at time 0.2 (his MC may have rotated, moved…during this short time).

exactly, tween should position the rectangle where it should be at 0.2

You can’t make the move by 0.2 sec by yourself without the actuate ?
It’s more complicated than a linear move ?

I have a variable tween, so I don’t know how the object will move

What happens if you do Actuate.tween(...).delay(-0.2)?

is that interactive animation ? (because of prevent lag of communication in thinking 0.2 sec into future [to detect gravity wav?] )

whats your haxe code-generation target GiG ?

i let gpu glsl shader do time-sync:
( … time: …stamp…-startime )

peote-view should be run into openfl to! (long year ago i tested with openglview class)

but it depends on what do you wanna VISUALIZE : ) = … and on what hardware (-> to “beam” it into reality without LAG )

@player_03: really?! I should try that trick, it looks a bit… “funny” :slight_smile:

@maitag: HTML5. I should definitely try a gravity wave.

Maybe you can create a customActuator that inherits from SimpleActuator, which allows to modify the startTime.
You can pass the customActuator in Actuate.tween(…,customActuator).

That’s what delay() does.

(Note that timeOffset is what’s actually used as the start time. It should really be called “effectiveStartTime,” so that you don’t get confused.)