Save and Read files on ios

Hi, i’m wondering how should i read and store files on ios.
Flow that i want to achieve is:

  1. Download file from web.
  2. Save it on local storage.
  3. Next time app starts check if local file exist, if it’s there load it from local storage instead from web.

For number 1 there is no problems, i’m using URLLoader and that is fine but what should i use to deal with other steps ?

I’ve come up with this solution, maybe someone finds this helpful :slight_smile:

var l: URLLoader = new URLLoader();
l.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
l.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
l.load(new URLRequest("file url"));

function onLoadComplete(e:Event)
        var path:String = SystemPath.applicationStorageDirectory + "/image.png";
           var loader:Loader = new Loader();
            loader.load(new URLRequest(path));

Is there any more elegant way to do the same ?

I would try doing this, warning don’t know if it compiles or works

 var l: Loader = new Loader();
 l.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
 var path:String = SystemPath.applicationStorageDirectory + "/image.png";
     l.load(new URLRequest(path));
    l.load(new URLRequest("file url"));

 function onLoadComplete(e:Event)
    var loader:Loader= cast;
    loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,onLoadComplete);//important to remove listeners
    var path:String = SystemPath.applicationStorageDirectory + "/image.png";//you should try to get the name of the file from the URL, to make this function file independent.
        File.saveBytes(path, loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytes);

Hi, thanks for replay and great example. I’ve started learning HAXE + openFL few days ago and really appreciate examples like this one and hope others will too :slight_smile: