In HTML5, the default created index.html file, prepared to resize the stage once the window has resized.
But I wonder, how would I invalidated the stage size manually? (I need to do so when Canvas size changes via code)
Please advice!
In HTML5, the default created index.html file, prepared to resize the stage once the window has resized.
But I wonder, how would I invalidated the stage size manually? (I need to do so when Canvas size changes via code)
Please advice!
I’ve been using this on openfl 3.6.1
public static function resizeCanvas(w:Int, h:Int, div:String = "openfl-content"):Void
var canvas:Dynamic = untyped document.getElementById(div).childNodes[0];
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
Lib.current.stage.window.resize(w, h);
var html5Window:Dynamic = Reflect.getProperty(Lib.current.stage.window, "backend");
Reflect.setField(html5Window, "setWidth", w);
Reflect.setField(html5Window, "setHeight", h);
Reflect.callMethod(html5Window, Reflect.field(html5Window, "handleResize"), []);
Lib.current.stage.onWindowResize(Lib.current.stage.window, w, h);
There’s probably a better way to do this though
If you resize the parent DIV container, it should trigger a resize. If you call embed
on a canvas element (instead of a DIV) it should trigger a resize if you resize the canvas element
Thanks, actually, I have fixed it by:
var evt = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false,window,0);