Reflection callMethod context issue

This is my code:

I am getting null value of a_str ( desired value is “Hello” ) , even when I am providing the context of the instance of Main class, while using Reflect.callMethod.

What context should I provide so that I get the desired value?


class Main extends Sprite 
	var a_str = "Hello";
	var mc:MovieClip ; 
	public function new() {
	 addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage);
	 mc = new MovieClip();;, 0, 100, 100);;
	 mc.x = 100; mc.y = 200; 
 function addedToStage(e:Event):Void 
	 removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage);
	 Misc.testCallMethod(this,mc);// , Reflect.field(this, "f"), []);	 
  public function broadcaster(e:Event ):Void  {
	trace( 'Called');
	trace(a_str);  // This is showing null even when the context has been provided


 class Misc  

	public function new() {
public static function testCallMethod(pMain:Main,mc:MovieClip ):Void 
	 var f2:Event->Void =  Reflect.field(mc, "addEventListener");
  	var f:Event->Void = Reflect.field(pMain, "broadcaster" ); 
 	 Reflect.callMethod(pMain ,f2, [ "click" , f]); //<<<context right now is pMain 

Have a look at the API docs for callMethod - only a few targets support context switching:

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Hmm… I am not able to understand it properly.

The object o is ignored in most cases. It serves as the this -context in the following situations:

  • (neko) Allows switching the context to o in all cases.
  • (macro) Same as neko for Haxe 3. No context switching in Haxe 4.
  • (js, lua) Require the o argument if func does not, but should have a context. This can occur by accessing a function field natively, e.g. through Reflect.field or by using (object : Dynamic).field . However, if func has a context, o is ignored like on other targets.

So this means that for most platforms including JS context switching is not available for haxe4 ? It will be ignored?

Also, is their any solution?

I changed the code like this to make it work. Calling the broadcaster inside the anonymous inline function saves the context .

public static function testCallMethod(pMain:Main,mc:MovieClip ):Void 
	 var f2:Event->Void =  Reflect.field(mc, "addEventListener");
  	var f:Event->Dynamic->Void = Reflect.field(pMain, "broadcaster" ); 
	 Reflect.callMethod(pMain ,f2, [ "click" , function(e){
		 Reflect.callMethod(pMain , f,[]); 