Reflect is not able to get field "addEventListener" from a dynamic variable having movieclip instance

I tested with this and it worked :

var f0:DisplayObject->Void = Reflect.field(child_dyn, "addChild");
trace(f0) // non null value .

But none of this works:

var f0:String->(Event->Void)->Void = Reflect.field(child_dyn, "addEventListener");
trace(f0) // null value .


var f0:String->(Event->Void)->Void = Reflect.field(child_dyn, "addEventListener<T>");
trace(f0) // null value .

What is the problem in this case ?

Sorted it out using Reflect.getMethod

var f2:Event->Void =  Reflect.field(child_dyn, "addEventListener");
if ( f2 != null) //check if there is the function available or not 
var f:Event->Void = Reflect.field(mainClassInstance, listener ); 
Reflect.callMethod(child_dyn,f2, [ eventName , f]);