Preloader seems to calculate stage width wrong

Two problems I experience:

  1. I cannot set the splash image in the center of stage. It looks like Lib.current.stage.stageWidth and stageHeight don’t give the right numbers.

  2. Font I register in preloader interfere with the other fonts. Probably replaces them ( I could not figure out what is going on, but I get font related errors on other textfields I use in the app if I use the Preloader class )

      import openfl.system.Capabilities;
      import openfl.Lib;
       @:bitmap("assets/images/logo.png") class Splash extends BitmapData {}
         @:font("assets/fonts/Open Sans.ttf") class DefaultFont extends flash.text.Font {}
     @:keep class Preloader extends Sprite {
     private var progress:Sprite;
     private var textPercent:TextField;
     private var splashImage:Bitmap;
     public function new () {
     public function construct():Void {
     	Lib.current.stage.color     = 0xFAFAFA;
     	Lib.current.stage.frameRate = 60;
     	// splash image
     	var splashWidth:Float   = (Lib.current.stage.stageWidth / 2) ; / 
     	var splashHeight:Float  = (Lib.current.stage.stageHeight / 2) ; 
     	splashImage = new Bitmap(new Splash(,, PixelSnapping.AUTO, true);
     	splashImage.x = (Lib.current.stage.stageWidth / 2) - splashWidth/2;
     	splashImage.y = (Lib.current.stage.stageHeight / 2) - splashHeight / 2;

You should try listening for the stage’s Event.RESIZE. It might allow you to reposition the image.

The position is messing up because Splash class does not change the size of the image as required.

I used RESIZE but it did not make any difference. Resize was being called only once so any doubt on stage resizing during the loading time is nil.

What I doubt is there is something wrong with the class “Splash”. It works well till I put the right values of width and height of the bitmap as it’s parameter. But if I put a different value ( to change it’s size), there is no effect on the resultant size of the loaded bitmap. For example, I want to change the logo bitmap according to the stage size. But if I put the new size, there is no effect on the final bitmap. That messes up the calculation.

I tried to copy the loaded bitmap into another bitmap, but that too did not work. Just showing a white blank bitmap:

    splashWidth =  (Lib.current.stage.stageWidth / 2) ;  
splashHeight=  (Lib.current.stage.stageHeight / 2) ;  
var bd:BitmapData =  new Splash(, ;

	splashImage = new Bitmap( bd , PixelSnapping.AUTO, true);

 	bd = new BitmapData(, ;

	splashImage = new Bitmap( bd.clone());

So ultimately I tried this using, and it is working for html5. I however doubt if loading dynamically would fail as compared to embedding the bitmap in some cases when file is heavier.

  BitmapData.loadFromFile ("assets/images/logo.png").onComplete({})

public function construct():Void {

BitmapData.loadFromFile ("assets/images/logo.png").onComplete(

function (bitmapData:BitmapData) 
	splashImage= new Bitmap (bitmapData);

	var sw:Float = splashImage.width ;
	 splashWidth =  (Lib.current.stage.stageWidth / 2) ; //213;
	 splashHeight =  splashImage.height * (splashWidth / sw);

	 splashImage.width = splashWidth;
	 splashImage.height = splashHeight;
	progress = new Sprite();
	textPercent = new TextField();

	var tFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
	tFormat.font           = "Open Sans";
	tFormat.color          = 0xAA0000;
	tFormat.size           = 20;
	tFormat.align          = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
	textPercent.defaultTextFormat = tFormat;
	textPercent.width           = Lib.current.stage.stageWidth;

	textPercent.textColor       = 0x000000;
	textPercent.backgroundColor = 0x000000;
	textPercent.text            = "";
	textPercent.selectable      = false;
	textPercent.embedFonts      = true;
	addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderInfo_onComplete);
	addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loaderInfo_onUpdate);

	Lib.current.stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resize);



public function resize(e:Event ):Void 

	splashImage.x = (Lib.current.stage.stageWidth / 2) - splashWidth/2;
	splashImage.y = (Lib.current.stage.stageHeight / 2) - splashHeight / 2; (0x4ab4e6);,0, 800,20);
	progress.scaleX = 0.0;
	progress.x = 0;
	progress.y = 0; 
	textPercent.x               = 0;
	textPercent.y               =splashImage.y + splashHeight+25 ;

public function loaderInfo_onComplete(e:Event):Void {

public function loaderInfo_onUpdate(e:ProgressEvent):Void {
	var _bytesTotal:Float  = e.bytesTotal;
	var _bytesLoaded:Float = e.bytesLoaded;
	var _loadedPercent:Float = _bytesLoaded/_bytesTotal*100;
	if (_bytesTotal == 0) {
		progress.scaleX = 0;
	} else {
		progress.scaleX = (_loadedPercent/100); // needs to scale from center
		textPercent.text = "Loading...\n"+Std.string( )+"%";
