preloader progress bar doesn’t update, it just shows “empty” all the way while the default library loads.
To test this, I’ve used the PiratePig sample, adding the above line in project.xml (works just the same with pak or deflate), then, with Firefox dev tools disabled cache and throttled the speed to “regular 3G”.
I couldn’t find but 2 topics on the default library, so I’m not sure if this is a limitation or anything else.
The preloader uses the reported size of assets in order to estimate the load progress, as it downloads resources. Internally, the “packed” asset library is not setting any size for the assets.
Changing some of the further lines might help, for example:
Lime actually has added support for “Asset Bundles” which are zipped asset libraries different from this packed asset library design. That system is simpler (though granted – easier to unpack as a user) so I wonder if we could hook that up to type “zip” instead. All that does is load a zip (with progress events) then unzip it at the end