Does anyone know how to disable antialiasing when drawing on a Graphics object? For example if I draw a line (lineTo) it is aliased and in this particular case I would prefer it be pixel perfect. I have tried all the various settings including snapping, smoothing, quality, shaders, etc. I went digging into the OpenGL code to see where the draw commands are happening but couldn’t really determine exactly where they occur so I could compare to suggestions I found online about how to draw without aliasing to ensure my settings are actually being used.
I also tried drawing the Graphics to a BitmapData/Bitmap with a low stage quality and pixel snapping but it is still aliased.
I have tried just about everything I can think of short of drawing pixels directly to an image using various pixel perfect drawing algorithms, any help would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully I am missing something obvious.
Wanted to bump this and see if there is any actual solution for this now since I originally ran into this issue. I found a “workaround” for this previous problem but would love to have a proper solution now. Tried various tips from all the posts and code examples but still can’t make it work. Anything besides just drawing pixels directly myself to a bitmap data?
Eh… I guess to this day it’s still BitmapData or btfo…
Just out of curiosity how does the Graphics API achieve AA? I went looking through the code and didn’t see any of the usual approaches. I noticed the SDLWindow does set the SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS but then I don’t see any calls that would suggest it is using the multisampled texture in OpenGL. I didn’t see any shader code that would seem to do it either. Hopefully I am not missing something obvious because I am not all that well versed in OpenGL rendering beyond the basics.