Participated last weekend on Ludum Dare 37 :)


Was my first Ludum Dare / Game Jam experience :slight_smile: was fun, though pretty challenging, trying to get something together in 48-72 hours.

Used Blender(graphics), Flash(animation+graphics), Ignite(music) and of course Haxe/OpenFL.

Theme: One Room

The Navigatorium

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This was my first Ludum Dare too! It really feels great!
I also used HaXe/OpenFL for programming, but I used to get game assets.
I’m going to check out and rate your game!
My game is here, I would appreciate if rate and give me feedback:

Thanks! :slight_smile:


What made you decide to use both blender and flash to do the graphics? :slight_smile:

@gcardozo Nice to see another Jammer :slight_smile: Rated your game!

@Tej Blender is fast and familiar tool to get room to match my liking (perspective, colors, lighting etc.) without too much of a hassle, and Flash is also familiar, decent 2D animation tool from which it is quite easy to get animations to your game quickly :slight_smile:

(Sorry for slow reply)

You use Haxe which outputs to everything, and yet you only make a Windows build?


Simply put time was limited and I started to run out of time, so I went with what is familiar. Was thinking of html5 but when I tried to release to it gotoAndStop didn’t work at all with .swf assets I used (on html5). It was pretty much broken.

I guess I still could add linux & mac. I have to check Ludum Dare rules for adding platforms post event, but… would anyone even care and rat me out even if it was against the rules? :stuck_out_tongue: still could upload them to I guess…