[PAID WORK] Looking for experienced Haxe (w/ OpenFL) developer to finish porting our game to mobile (fully remote)

Hi there everyone,

Clockwork Acorn is looking for an experienced Haxe developer to take the lead on porting our game Jetstream to iOS and Android. The ideal person has experience launching Haxe-based titles onto iOS and Android platforms and can fully own the process of making builds and testing on those devices.

Most of the work in this project is done, overall we estimate there is a bout 10% of the project left. We we’re working on this internally a few years back when the project had to be put on hold due to external reasons. It’s been a while since then and we are now caught up in other projects and hoping to find someone to help us with this last bit of work. While we’re hoping to be as hands-off as possible with this project, we will be fully available to help as needed.

If you’re interested in this work, please have a look at the full detailed description here and get in touch, we’d love to talk.

I originally posted this over at the Haxe community forums, hope its okay to post it here too.


Hi all,
Just a quick follow up to say that we have found someone to do this work, and this opportunity is no longer available.

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