OpenGL drawArraysInstanced on native and mobile

Couple of quick questions, apologies if this has been discussed previously but I couldn’t find anything that answered my question specifically.

  1. Is there any easy way to provide GL hints before the SDL window is created without modifying the cpp code?
  2. If not is there a way to tell SDL what version of GL you would like to try and use?
  3. If not is there any particular reason GL on all the native platforms are configured to version 2? I know on Mac/Windows/iOS they support at least 3 and likely 4.1 and ES 3 on mobile.
  4. Alternatively is there a way to load the ANGLE extension. I tried using getExtension and it always returns null because GL is version 2 I believe.

I ask all these questions because I was hoping to be able to easily use drawArraysInstanced but it just doesn’t look possible without a lot of work. Just curious if there is an easy way I am overlooking. Obviously I can add support by modifying the SDL cpp code but wanted to avoid that. This would be a huge win for improved performance in certain instances.

BTW browser support for this works great out of the box.
