The current (3.3.6) implementation of openfl.geom.ColorTransform.concat is:
public function concat (second:ColorTransform):Void {
redMultiplier += second.redMultiplier;
greenMultiplier += second.greenMultiplier;
blueMultiplier += second.blueMultiplier;
alphaMultiplier += second.alphaMultiplier;
I’m pretty sure this isn’t correct. On Windows, HTML5 and iOS I’m getting results identical to Flash if I change to this method:
public function concat (second:ColorTransform):Void {
redMultiplier *= second.redMultiplier;
greenMultiplier *= second.greenMultiplier;
blueMultiplier *= second.blueMultiplier;
alphaMultiplier *= second.alphaMultiplier;
// -255 to 255
redOffset = second.redMultiplier * redOffset + second.redOffset;
greenOffset = second.greenMultiplier * greenOffset + second.greenOffset;
blueOffset = second.blueMultiplier * blueOffset + second.blueOffset;
alphaOffset = second.alphaMultiplier * alphaOffset + second.alphaOffset;
Is this the correct place to report bugs?
I hope this helps, Jake