OpenFL Extensions for Mobile

Hello Everyone,

We updated several native extensions for use in our mobile and web games

1. GameAnalytics (iOS, Android, Javascript)

2. Facebook (iOS, Android, Javascript)

3. Admob (iOS, Android)

4. ParseSpod (iOS, Android, Javascript)

Please feel free to use them.


Thanks ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey, thanks for these updates!

For the AdMob extension, it looks like you added some reward ads functionality? I don’t see it reflected in the docs - do you have any tips for how to use the new stuff you added?

you’re right it lacked some docs.

I’ve updated the readme, but essentially you have to add an array of rewarded ads ids at the init.
Then you set a callback function for the event and you call showRewarded passing an ad id :

AdMob.onRewardedEvent = function(event:String, ?data:RewardItem){
    if(event == AdMob.EARNED_REWARD)
        trace("THE USER WAS REWARDED BY " + data.amount + " " + data.type);

Would love contributions to the HaxeExtension organization on Github if you guys are interested :slight_smile:

Feel free to merge your progress

Thanks singmajesty for your message.

We will be glad to merge our progress to haxe extensions organization asap. yet we still working on some of them and also updating IAP probably this month. :smile:


We have integrate succesfully IAP extension which is updated and works perfectly on Android Device.
Here is a link


Eah, admob extension needs update as well, it is really outdated.

I would recommend not to rely on a single ad-provider, until the day when their AI disables your account all is fine, but then its a month long struggle to get you account back.

I would recommend a mediation platform.
For me the supersonic/ironsrc extension worked very well, after a few adjustments.

New Update

5. Apprate (Android)

6. Kochava Attribution (Android)