OpenFL 9.3.2 and Lime 8.1.1 Release

Hey, everyone!

Grab the newest patch releases for both OpenFL and Lime from Haxelib to get the latest bug fixes.



  • Fixed playback of very long sounds by changing arithmetic to avoid integer overflow
  • Fixed exception when calling draw() on BitmapData when readable is false
  • Fixed Sound not playing when calling play() immediately after load(), but before Event.COMPLETE
  • Fixed Sound incorrectly throwing exception about valid SampleDataEvent range when listener generates zero samples
  • Fixed Sound incorrectly throwing exception about valid SampleDataEvent range when play() is called between load() and Event.COMPLETE
  • Fixed Sound incorrectly continuing to dispatch SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA after a previous dispatch generated zero samples
  • Fixed SoundChannel ignoring stop() when generating audio with SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA
  • Fixed SoundChannel failing to dispatch Event.SOUND_COMPLETE when SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA listener generates zero samples or is stopped
  • Fixed FileReferenceList not dispatching Event.CANCEL when zero files are selected on html5 target, to better match FileReference
  • Improved error message when calling Sound.fromFile() when file cannot be loaded


  • Fixed subset of characters escaped in file paths to fix Android builds on Windows.
  • Fixed playback of very long sounds by changing arithmetic to avoid integer overflow.

Hi, this

  • Fixed subset of characters escaped in file paths to fix Android builds on Windows.
    isn’t fixed =)

I cannot reproduce this issue. I just built for Android on Windows with Lime 8.1.0, and it failed. Then, I tried again with Lime 8.1.1, and it worked.

Make sure that you’re actually using Lime 8.1.1 by running lime path lime in a terminal and check that the path looks correct (assuming that a library is installed from Haxelib, the path should generally include the version number, so it’s easy to tell if it’s the wrong version).

If that path seems correct, then please provide more details about what error messages you are seeing. Thanks!