OpenALAudioContext error in HaxeFlixel Project

hi, uh… I’ve been trying to use some .hx files, with cpp code, and I get the error:

Error: __boot__.cpp
include\lime/media/OpenALAudioContext.h(46): error C2059: error de sintaxis: 'constante'
include\lime/media/OpenALAudioContext.h(46): error C2238: símbolos (token) inesperados delante de ';'
include\lime/media/OpenALAudioContext.h(47): error C2059: error de sintaxis: 'constante'
include\lime/media/OpenALAudioContext.h(47): error C2238: símbolos (token) inesperados delante de ';'
include\lime/media/OpenALAudioContext.h(87): error C2059: error de sintaxis: 'constante'
include\lime/media/OpenALAudioContext.h(87): error C2238: símbolos (token) inesperados delante de ';'

yes… it is in Spanish, sorry… I know that there is already a post similar or equal to mine, but in that post it was not clear to me what the solution was or if there was any, even if it is not even correct to do it in this community, once again, sorry
it would show the .hx file, but since it is a long code and I can’t find a way to send it as a file, I prefer to save it for the moment to avoid problems.