Official support for Adobe AIR

Hmm, I wonder if we should use a default window width and height depending upon the target AIR platform:

We use width and height 0 on mobile as a default “scale to fit the native screen size” value.

You’re right, we should also duplicate some of our icon code from other targets


Thanks for the tag for retina display, I bet we could do ::if WIN_ALLOW_HIGH_DPI:: in our template (and use <window allow-high-dpi="false" /> in the project.xml if you need to disable it)

I added a couple new issues to track this, hope to solve this soon :slight_smile:

Hi again!

I’ve just made a round of fixes and changes:

Thanks again for the feedback :slight_smile:


Where can we find the /.lime/config.xml file please? I get the Error: You must define AIR_SDK with the path to your AIR SDK when I try openfl build air.
Edit: I finally found your answer on another post thanks :d
I link them here in case someone else needs it in the future.


Hi there,
I did not test AIR target yet, but I have a question:
Is it possible to create a captive runtime application for desktop?

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

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Yep! openfl build air && openfl deploy air should do it

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Hi @singmajesty, jumping here too!

How can I specify ios certificate, password and mobile provisioning?

I’ve Using old Signing Certificate feedback and ipa is not generated.


Ok got it, added in project.xml:

<certificate path="/Users/aymeric/Certificats.p12" password=“test.” />
<config:ios provisioning-profile="/Users/aymeric/All_Develop.mobileprovision" />


@singmajesty Thanks for the Adobe Air support.
I am trying out Haxe + OpenFL(8.9.1) + Lime (7.5.0) with Starling(2.5.1). But I keep on getting a error when I try to run/debug the Starling (Haxe) demo in FlashDevelop.
This is what error is saying…
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter idleMode must be non-null.
at flash.desktop::NativeApplication/set systemIdleMode()
at lime._internal.backend.air::AIRApplication()[D:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\lime\7,5,0\src\lime\_internal\backend\air\AIRApplication.hx:16]

Check this post

Thanks so much! I ended up modifying the Lime lib on my system with the git amend for externs/air/flash/desktop/SystemIdleMode.hx and now works.