I’m getting this error when trying to embed a font with the HTM5 Target
bin/html5/haxe/ManifestResources.hx:97: characters 188-202 : Unknown identifier : __fromLimeFont
the generated code:
@:keep @:expose(’__ASSET__OPENFL__fonts_sassoon_primary_ttf’) #if display private #end class __ASSET__OPENFL__fonts_sassoon_primary_ttf extends openfl.text.Font { public function new () { __fromLimeFont (new __ASSET__fonts_sassoon_primary_ttf ()); super (); }}
flash and hxcpp targets compile fine.
This problem started occuring with OpenFl 7.1.2. Lime 6.2.0
If i downgrade to Open 7.0.0, Lime 6.0.1, the HTML5 target compiles fine.
any ideas?