New Main-class template issue

  2. FlashDevelop 4.7.0 released - “Simplifying the OpenFL template removed NME template”

Standard flash as3 template contains added_to_stage event and init() method, for reason, I think, the stage sometimes can be null and is need to know when all internal flash init’s is done. Now new template doesn’t have “added_to_stage” or “resize” listeners. Why template has been simplified? Now OpenFl does “things” that stage never be null inside Main class constructor on all supported platforms? Or there is another reason?

In OpenFL, the stage is always defined.

Sometimes on iOS devices, the stageWidth and stageHeight report a non-retina size before issuing an Event.RESIZE event from the stage – this might be how iOS works, but otherwise I’d like to see this smoothed out on the backend. If you handle resize events there’s no problem.

A lot of people were confused because the template was so complex, if you look at the OpenFL samples and results of openfl create project you’ll find it’s quite clean

I agree, but I think it was good have the ready section for handling resize.

Well, I think that’s the job of a framework if you always want to bootstrap in a certain way. The idea is to provide a clean slate so each developer can add what they want, it’s an architectural decision from that point on :wink: