Native Extensions for openfl

Hi Openfl devs,

We are MyFlashLabs Team and if you have built AdobeAIR apps, you may have visited our website before or you may have used our ANEs in your projects.

Today, we are looking into openfl and wondering if maybe it would be a cool idea to extend our current ANEs and support Haxe/openfl too.

So, I am posting this topic here in the community to hear your feedback and your concerns. We would appreciate if you answer the following questions and share your Native Extensions concerns with us. Maybe we can help :slight_smile:

  1. What is your current source(s) to use Native Extensions in haxe?
  2. What Native Extensions do you need most in Haxe that you don’t have access to right now?

Thanks a lot.


Great initative! More native extensions would be great to the OpenFL segment i think!

What targets are you considering? Android/ios/Windows/mac? C++?
Me for one, would say very welcome to extensions for c++ windows.

Some extensions i would love to see:
-VideoPlayer for desktop
-WebView for desktop
-OpenCV / camera access
-Kinect v2
-MultiTouch and Gesture handling
-GPS / Location



How about a send mail library. Seems there are no current active libraries for that.

Number one for me would be embedded video play with a possibility to buffer the end and start frames for perfect looping.
Something that was present in old flash players but somehow now is “impossible”…

edit : Geolocation on android and ios would be great.

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Extensions i would love to see on Windows c++ target:

-VideoPlayer for desktop
-Kinect v2
-MultiTouch and Gesture handling

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Yes please!

Native extensions are incredibly important especially when targeting mobile and OpenFL has a lot of outdated extensions, even the main IAP extension has a random crash issue on Android.

  1. The main source is currently here
  2. A 100% working remote notifications extensions for iOS and Android.
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Please please please create full functional extension for Firebase Push Notifications for iOs, Android and web
And NativeText for windows target

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great to see some plans to support OpenFL with native extensions. We currently use Haxe with Adobe Air to push to mobile and we use Milkman / Distriqt for extensions like Facebook login, platform payments and Analytics. Would be great to have a fallback route for the time when we want to go native on mobile!

in this moment Milkman Not support 64bit for android

Possibility to download files in Android and IOS would be ultra-nice.