I would like to know if its possible to add air native extensions like distriqt’s in haxe project, to build AIR apps for mobile platforms?
According to the documentation, it seems like we can add it to our project, but there is no mentioning about how to importing them to classes and accessing them in the code?
I would really appreciate if someone could confirm on this ?
In my judgment that feature of OpenFL is targeting migrants from the Flash/AS3 world who are already invested in AIR technology. In the Haxe world you are likely to find that integrations with native platforms are more often designed for use outside of AIR, but can be used within OpenFL just fine. For example there are 3 libraries on Haxelib for iOS GameCenter support similar to some ANEs out there. The advantage of using these Haxe ones is that any example code you find will not need to be translated from Actionscript 3. Also, if you decide to abandon AIR for newer workflows you won’t have to find a new code library for that portion of things. I hope that helps and doesn’t make any wrong assumptions about your situation.
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Thanks for the reply. Yes, I understood. I think, we need more anes that can work on all platforms. I il make an enquiry about it with the distriqt team.
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