I’ve been tinkering around with OpenFL for a few years, and i seemingly shy away from blowing my own trumpet, as I haven’t posted anything in the Showcase during that time. I have to admit, i’ve often found the transition from AS3 to Haxe/OpenFL frustrating and my productivity is slill pretty low, but i have released a few games across multiple platforms, so thought it about time to share them. (portfolio pages below, with links to google play, html and flash version of the games where they are available)) - all were created in OpenFL, various releases over the past couple of years !
Berts Brain, a path following puzzler http://www.wigsgames.com/bertsbrain.html
Red Blocked , a minimalistic platformer http://www.wigsgames.com/redblocked.html
Bug World, a bug painting and catching game for children http://www.wigsgames.com/bugworld.html
Path Squared, a path following puzzle game http://www.wigsgames.com/pathsquared.html
Shrink or Score, a single button single action self challenging game http://www.wigsgames.com/shrinkorscore.html
Matching Pears, a fruity group matching game http://www.wigsgames.com/matchingpears.html
and an almost ready for release …
Loopy Fishy, a fishy loopy side scrolling game http://www.wigsgames.com/loopyfishy.html