Multiple load of static mesh in away3d

I want to load multiple static mesh like 3ds, obj in away3d (more than 60), may i know that is there an easier way to import multiple obj files?

I’d have to ask: easier way than what?

There’s a good example of using the Loader3D here: away3d-samples/basic/Load3DS/Source/Main.hx at master · openfl/away3d-samples · GitHub

This is what I currently use. I also find it useful to use the token/namespace system it has built in, which helps you organise your assets and handle them appropriately once they are done loading. Take a look and see what you think.

Note that the “loadData” function loads from already loaded data (like from the Away3d library) but the “load” function will load resources on demand. You would do well to check the code here to see how things work: away3d/away3d/loaders/Loader3D.hx at cc5973a94445dc5bc857c5dcc09445927f251eef · openfl/away3d · GitHub