Missing libopenal.so

I’m having a problem with JNI. If I try to call back to haxe using the call function on a haxeobject I get this error:

08-17 13:01:30.929: E/AndroidRuntime(8199): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-17 13:01:30.929: E/AndroidRuntime(8199): Process: uk.co.mojaworks.IslandHopper, PID: 8199
08-17 13:01:30.929: E/AndroidRuntime(8199): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file “/data/app/uk.co.mojaworks.IslandHopper-2/base.apk”],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/uk.co.mojaworks.IslandHopper-2/lib/arm, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]] couldn’t find "libopenal.so"
08-17 13:01:30.929: E/AndroidRuntime(8199): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(Runtime.java:366)
08-17 13:01:30.929: E/AndroidRuntime(8199): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:989)
08-17 13:01:30.929: E/AndroidRuntime(8199): at org.haxe.lime.Lime.(Lime.java:8)
08-17 13:01:30.929: E/AndroidRuntime(8199): at org.haxe.lime.HaxeObject.call(HaxeObject.java:108)

I’ve checked and libopenal.so is not in the libs folder. Should it be? Using the latest Lime 2.5.3 from haxelib.

I’ve just sourced an old libopenal.so from elsewhere and dropping this into the libs folder makes everything work for now. I’m guessing this should be part of the template?

The one I borrowed is from here: https://github.com/RyanBluth/OpenFlServer/blob/master/bin/android/bin/libs/armeabi/libopenal.so

OpenAL should be statically linked, now. Could you see if it works without libopenal.so, but with a change to the Android template so it does not look for that library?

I just made a change on Lime that I think may fix this, I checked, and it should be statically linked now, so no libopenal.so file :slight_smile:

Is that on github or haxelib?

Github, it should be easy enough to just test only this change manually, though :smile:

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That’s worked a treat. Thanks!

Now I have my Accelerometer back :smiley: